After a very long wait for the birth of a girl to perfectly compliment my chosen boy Replay, at last my newest additions have arrived to my farm following a long month in Australian quarantine. Both Replay and Tango are bred by Nathalie Touretta of Bois Des Ternes kennels in France. Nathalie has been the most amazingly easy person to deal with and her trust in sending me such beautiful dogs has me humbled.
Tango and Replay join my large family of White Swiss Shepherds that I breed, show and trial under the prefix Diamondswiss. I'm going to need a bigger couch!!!
My background has always involved animals. From trialing my first Australian Cattle Dog to CDX and winning many "highest score in trial" trophies, I was also an obedience instructor at a club and taught privately in my spare time. I then showed and bred Papillons for a few years until I decided I could no longer part with puppies I bred so I stopped breeding. My mum took my pick of the litter boys and did wonderful things in the show world including winning at Specialty Shows and the Royal. At this stage I was following my passion of competing in dressage. I was an official dressage judge for 25 years and I was also breeding Warmblood horses using very expensive and risky imported frozen semen from the number 1 stallion in the world (long before many people were doing this!). A mare I bred was later sold to NSW and won Dressage Horse of the Year 2 years running. This venture saw me severely depleted of funds and I had to finally accept that breeding horses was indeed a rich man's hobby and I was not rich (nor a man!)
A little over 10 years ago I was introduced to White Swiss Shepherds, having had a White German Shepherd at home. I quickly fell in love with this breed and once again began showing, trialing and as I was initially in a breeding contract with the breeder of my first Swiss, after my first litter of Swiss for the breeder, I was hooked and started breeding under my Diamondswiss prefix. Anyone that knows my passion for my dogs knows for me it's never about breeding for profit. I have imported frozen semen from Denmark (3 times), Chile and Czech Republic (in fact my 2nd ever litter of Swiss 8 years ago was using frozen semen). I also imported a magnificent dog from Chile who tragically died from snake bite 2 years ago but is thankfully in my lines now as an everlasting reminder (as well as in the pictures on my walls).
Following some of the best Swiss breeders on Facebook, I started seeing they also began showing Miniature American Shepherds. I quickly fell in love with these beautiful smaller dogs and decided this would be a great addition and gradual change in direction over the next 10 years as I look towards a smaller (and lighter) breed. As I have always done, I will continue to be very particular about what I breed, using the best international lines and ensuring puppies are clear of health defects and always aiming to improve.
Diamondmas will not be breeding loads of puppies to flood the market. I will be breeding 1 litter each year of quality puppies carrying unique bloodlines that clearly meet the breed standard.